Give your business an edge with a Professional Voicemail Greeting on your Phone ????

Why use us for a Professional Voicemail Greeting?
Want a professional recording voice?
Select from our 120 Voice Talents, all from Radio & TV, ready to be the professional voice for your voicemail!
Don’t have a recording studio?
We record your voicemail in a professional recording studio ensuring your voicemail is super high quality audio!
How to hire a voice talent?
No need, we do all that for you. You can select from any of our 120 Voices all for the same one time cost.
What to say in my voicemail?
No worries! We will help write your voicemail greeting script with you.
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a quick and easy way to get a Professional Voicemail Greeting on your business phone? so that even if you don’t answer the call, the person calling will still get a positive brand impression of your business?
With a Professional Voicemail Greeting from Ohvo, You’ll get a voice from Radio & TV on your phone system!
You may be thinking…
- I don’t have a professional recording voice..
- I don’t have a recording studio…
- I don’t know how to hire a professional voice talent..
Or maybe, you’re thinking… “What do I even say in my voicemail greeting“…
No worries! We’ve got you covered. ????
We will write, record & upload a Professional Voicemail Greeting to your business mobile phone, using a Professional Voice Talent – which will make you sound big and trustworthy!
We have over 150 locally-based voice talents from Radio & Tv for you to pick from.
Grab your Professional Voicemail Greeting today for your business phone for a low one-time cost ????
Listen To Voicemail Demos
Two Brothers
Book Club
Done Digital
Trusted by hundreds of businesses

Very efficient, professional and friendly. The ideas they added to our script were great!

Thank you for organising our voice over message! It sounds great and is a huge improvement from our own efforts.

Thanks for everything! Great service, and very fast.🙂 I like that this is a one-time payment thing, and doesn't lock...
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Ready? Pick Your Voice Now
Get a Voice Talent you’ve heard on Radio or TV for your business!
How it works.
We record and deliver you a Voicemail Greeting with your preferred voice in our studio.

Listen to our Voice Talents to pick your preferred voice.

We will get send you your Professional Voicemail Greeting within 3 working days. If you have a Voicemail Service we may be able to record it in for you too!
Request Custom Demo Below
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is it a One Off Cost?
Because we only charge you when we record voiceovers. You can use the voice forever!
Supported Phone Systems?
If you have a Voicemail Service from your Telco, we can likely upload it via calling remotely. Or if you have a business phone system you can upload the audio file we sent you. Read More Info here.
What should my script say?
We can help you write your script for you! Otherwise here is some scripting examples and trips/tricks.
What if i’m not happy?
Professionals in Voiceovers for Business Phone Systems worldwide. With over 6 years experience and hundreds of clients.
Can I get Music Added?
Sure! contact us and we can quote that up for you!
Ohvo. Ensure your brand has a sound that sells with a warm, friendly with a Professional Voicemail Greeting. Get yours today.

Copyright 2024, Ohvo - On Hold Voice Overs.